Multiparty System In Democracy

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Seemingly, the adoption of the systems of government including elections did not match African interests from the very beginning of independence as can be observed in Nyerere’s statement from Mwipopo (2011) “the first President of Tanzania argued that, in contemporary Africa, multiparty system had no reason to exist. According Mwalimu Nyerere, unique African societies did not need multi-party system”. This is an indication that elections accruing from the same were also not desirable and hence how could such activities be held to yield successful results for a system whose defiance was not hidden. The belief system of leaders in the immediate post-independence influenced electoral management dynamics and this is possible to bear acceptance…show more content…
One can compare what the same statement meant to Kenyan political elites vis a’ vis their Tanzanian counterparts where it probably meant unity in line with ujamaa policy. However, the assertion that African societies did not need multipartism has been the greatest impediment to practice of democracy used in favour of a ruling regime to avert healthy choice to the electorates. Introspection into Tanzania’s electoral system used currently First Past the Post (FPTP), pluralism where the Presidential, Parliamentary and Councilor Candidate who secures the simple majority of votes is declared to be the winner has remained to build comparatively peaceful atmosphere within and in the region. One may ask whether this is a product of institutional or legal frameworks at work or a foundation of some hidden set system at work. An important point to understand is that different electoral systems exist and these have been used in East Africa. IFES (2014), points that an election system is a method by which voters make a choice between options, often in an election or on a policy referendum. An electoral system contains rules for valid voting, and how votes are fed and aggregated to yield a final…show more content…
When this system is used in multi-member districts it becomes the Block Vote (BV). Voters have as many votes as there are seats to be filled, and the highest-polling candidates fill the positions, regardless of the percentage of the vote they actually achieve. Majoritarian systems, such as the Australian Alternative Vote (AV) and the French Two-Round System (TRS) try to ensure that the winning candidate receives an absolute majority (i.e. over fifty percent). Each system, in essence, makes use of voters' second preferences to produce a majority winner, if one does not emerge from the first round of voting

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