Police Brutality Outline

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Why would a professional make a move if it could affect his standing? Police brutality is a lawful act. This problem had been dominant in the news this past few months. Most of the people around the globe wanted police brutality to be dimished because this causes the victims in big trouble and severe problems. Police Brutality is prevalent not only this year or the past few years. It started decades ago. Police Brutality is the wanton use excessive force it could be physically or psychological intimidation. There are several forms of police misconduct like sexual abuse and false arrest. Police Brutality around the globe should be diminished. II. A. As I read news or issues about police brutality from the internet most of their victims are powerless people, those beggars around the city, people who can’t fight back and mostly black man. White or American…show more content…
1, 2000, Malcolm Ferguson, 23, was shot and killed by plainclothes NYPD officer Louis Rivera. Young said Malcolm was a loving son. Her mother said Malcolm’s death still pains her everyday. That’s one pain that will never go away until the day the she die. She said she have to live with that pain. That there’s no closure and there’s no nothing especially when the person or child was so violently taken away from a parent. She said she will continue to stand up and fight. She refuse to allow them to put that fear on her. Young encourages others to rally and support the families of victims of police brutality to come stand with the families that have been forced to live through the pain of the murder of a loved one so that it does not hit other family and stand with the victims so their family might be a little safer.” (Figueroa, 2013) C. Police Officers credibility are being affected by Police Brutality because they are the kinds of people who are supposed to be praised and whom we should salute to. A single mistake they did how diminutive it is it could be questioned by the citizens. Here is an
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