Police Brutality In The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea

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Law enforcement dates back to the seventeenth and eighteenth century in France, with modern police departments being established in most nations by the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. “Most police misconduct was either ignored or dealt with informally within the police departments” (Jolin and Gibbons, 1984). Most of the population perceives the police to be oppressors. There is a perception that victims of police brutality often belong to powerless groups, such as minorities, the disabled, the young, and the poor. The Ministry of People's Security (MPS) maintains most law enforcement activities in DPRK. It is one of the most powerful state institutions and oversees the national police force, investigates criminal cases and manages non-political correctional facilities. In The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the government likes to handle internal affairs out of the public eye and critical factors limit the West's ability to make sense of this state.…show more content…
Even though, the DPRK has been under scrutiny, North Korean government rejects the human rights abuses claims, calling them "a smear campaign" and a "human rights racket" aimed at regime change. In a report to the UN, North Korea dismissed accusations of atrocities as "wild rumors". The government also admitted some human rights issues stating that because North Korea is a "transition society" and as such "there might be some problems related to living conditions and stated that it is working to improve

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