Confirmation Bias In Tourism

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For this assignment, it asks me to choose six biases or heuristics that can negatively affect decision making by managers in tourism organizations. The difference between biases and heuristics are as follows. Bias as defined by Xu, Liu and Liu (2014) as departure from objective standards that one can, and is therefore viewed as inaccuracy. Bias tends to be inaccurate for most of the time. People can develop bias based on others, a group or even an organization. Whereas a heuristic is a rule of thumb, strategy, trick, simplification, or any other kind of device which drastically limits search for solutions in large problem spaces (Romanycia and Pelletier, 1985). Heuristic are shortcuts to make a decision. It is unreliable and inaccurate. For…show more content…
This include confirmation biases, halo effect and self-serving bias. I will be explaining each of these biases and illustrate it with an example related to the tourism content. Confirmation bias as illustrated by Ask and Granhag (2005) is where people tend to request information about the instance that is likely to confirm and unlikely to disconfirm the hypothesis. These individuals tend to trust themselves based on their own belief. In the context of tourism, tour agents might proposed selling a similar product or service to customers due to its recent trend. But it turns out this product might be out of trend. You fully trust your own beliefs without doing any research. In order to avoid this from happening, we should share our thoughts to other colleagues in order to share our opinions. We can brainstorm some ideas and drop down some important notes in order for this product or service to be develop. We can also incorporate leadership program that involve people with backgrounds or even from different sectors of the tourism industry in order to solve the problem. During this process, we give everyone a chance to be creative, to participate and to share…show more content…
These include availability heuristic, representative heuristic and anchoring and adjustment. According to Fox (2006), she defines it as where people judge the frequency of events in the world by the ease with which examples come to mind. During this process, you are making a judgment about something based on how available examples that are in your mind. For instance, if someone asks a question that you are familiar or heard of it before, you tend to bring out memories that you have available in your mind to answer the question. An example in tourism is that when a tourism consulter decides whether to build a hotel in downtown Toronto or downtown Saint Catharines. He will be most likely to pick the option in because he is adopting availability heuristic, where he has a knowledge of developing in Toronto would bring in much more income compared to Saint Catharines. In addition, since Toronto is named as a tourist area, building a hotel there would improve the attractiveness of the country. This type of heuristic will be helpful in making decisions. When we try to figure out a choice, we often lack the time or resources to investigate in greater depth. Availability heuristic will lead us to an immediate decision which lead people with conclusion quicker. However, this heuristic could lead to incorrect decisions or errors. In order to prevent this from happening, do not be overconfidence while making series

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