Woolf Literary Analysis

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3. Singling out respective similes and establishing their correlation with conceptual metaphors (to prove the validity of conceptual metaphors). 4. Establishing relation of conceptual metaphors to considered images’ symbolism and selected thematic planes. 5. Developing and elaborating narrative themes (on the basis of metaphor-symbolism-thematic planes integration). The literary analysis that will be used in the research will unfold in five steps: 1. Examination of nature images network within selected texts and their quantification. 2. Extraction of images-dominants, i.e., images appearing with the greatest frequency in each single narrative. 3. Determination of common images, i.e., images recurrent in a complex united whole made out of selected…show more content…
Question 3: Which are conceptual relations between key nature images in selected Woolf’snovels? Question 4: Are there any nature images, common for selected novels by Woolf (mega images)? Question 5: Which are metaphysical implications of nature images in selected Woolf’s novels? Question 6: Which are main means of nature modeling in considered Woolf’s works? Question 7: How analysis of symbols can add to the interpretation of nature images in Woolf’s novels? Question 8: Is a frequent usage of nature images in Woolf’s novels only a feature of individual author’s style or it has some relation to key motives? Question 9: Is there any general subjects in Woolf’s novels, which can be discovered and elaborately rationalized through conceptualization of nature imagery? Question 10: How application of metaphor theory can enrich the scope of nature images’ interpretation? The hypotheses, which will be tested, are: Hypothesis 1: The role of nature images in considered Woolf’s novels is not purely ornamental; nature images are highly symbolical and serve an essential tool for representation of main…show more content…
In Virginia Woolf and the Study of Nature Christina Alt explores how Woolf’s representation of nature is related to her interest in contemporary life sciences, how they influence her aesthetics of nature. She analyzes Woolf’s responses to such naturalistic domains as taxonomy, ethology, new biology, ecology and how they shape her conceptualization of nature and peculiarities of her imagery of the natural world. She suggests that Woolf’s methods of nature are based on naturalist methods and result in her narrative techniques and literary experiments. Alt also pays attention to Woolf’s modernist aesthetics and its relation to naturalistic understanding of the world of nature. Alt points out that Woolf’s engagement with science gave her an opportunity to broaden her narrative subjects. Significant amount of information is provided by Alt concerning how the artistic composition and the naturalistic motives are entwined in an unexpected manner in Woolf’s novels. Alt not merely considers the result of Woolf’s fascination with life sciences for her writing, but also traced the whole development of such fascination from her Victorian childhood to the modernist period. Along with this, she delineates the peculiarities of the natural history that influenced Woolf and her writing and the shifts that took place in the development of life sciences at the turn of the nineteenth century and in the twentieth

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