Platos Legacy

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Over the years there have been many great intellectual literary texts that have made people look at their lives and question who they are. This stems from topics such as physical human interaction to ones of emotions and that which is not tangible. There have been many people who are well known for these writings, now focusing on those of ancient culture, the beginning of time when man was trying it’s best to grow and survive in a wild dangerous world. The philosopher who makes more people question the acts of life rather than telling what he thinks is true and leaving is the man known as Plato with his student Socrates writing of his work. Plato’s most popular, well-known, and heavily studied dialogue from Socrates is known as The Republic.…show more content…
This concept, introduced in book four of the Republic, also was a building block from prior discussions in the book about the levels of a society, what there role is, and what types of people they contain. The discussion started by identifying the sections of leaders, soldiers, and workers, and then giving them their qualities that define them and what they contribute to the group or state. The system however didn’t take into consideration the citizens happiness, only their ability to work as a whole. As referred to in War, Class, and Justice in Plato's Republic by Michael S. Kochin “We might wonder, however, whether a city can really be happy. Accept a vision of the city as a natural whole whose citizens have no right to happiness.” The qualities were seen as wisdom for leaders, courage for soldiers, and temperance or self-discipline for workers. They all had their contributions to the group ultimately taking away any negative acts the virtue could’ve had upon the society. The fourth trait was the one that was being discussed from book one and was seen to be a perfect combination of the other three traits, justice. These four virtues were seen as vital above all else in a society, but why? Richard Parry states it in his work, Morality and Happiness: Book IV of Plato's Republic, that“Now we have accounts of the four cardinal virtues: wisdom, courage, and temperance. These accounts are psychological in the sense that they depend on the ways that the parts of the society fit together.”What made it so that other virtues were left out and seen as unimportant, or did they believe that these traits could make a perfect combination of any other virtue that was needed in a society? Plato was very particular and meticulous in selecting his traits, but are there concepts he could’ve included or kept out that could make a better
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