Piggy Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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Piggy states a complex quotation, “Maybe there is a beast […] maybe it’s only us,” (80) which reveals his recognition of the true inner creature in all of society. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding felicitously illustrates many symbols to convince readers that his prose is not just referring to a group of young English lads who settle on an unknown island, but to depict the whole novel as of darkness and horror. Evil’s presence exposes in everyone and everyplace, which transforms the young boys from innocent to savaged as it strengthens a force having to do with the isolation of modern society. This creature lies within the island, the real world and in the boys themselves as it begins to freely slip out—rampantly altering to its true form,…show more content…
Distant memories of evil from their pasts are constantly being put into the boys’ minds through: signs of the nuclear war occurring, the naval officer who rescues them in the end, as well as innocence presumably hiding the evil behind it. “Didn’t you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They’re all dead,” (14) is one of the first hints confidently exclaimed by Piggy that the war is the reason behind their arrival on the island. It can be said that this bomb is the reason behind it all because of fate and luck. Most likely Golding notes that the plane full of schoolboys is heading to a safer getaway in their society because of this catastrophe and war, thus they are not meant to be attacked with the deadly explosive. Perhaps their plane is misguided for an enemy’s jet instead, though this does convey that evil lies within the manipulation and peer pressure of the real world. In the end of the novel, we find that the boys are luckily rescued by an English naval officer who spots the population of boys. This is clearly because of the ironic forest fire set by Jack to leave Ralph without anywhere to hide. This officer is most likely part of the war who fights his enemy with a main goal in mind: to kill. Because the boys are children and do not know any better, they are…show more content…
Martin once said, “There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs,” and this strictly is what Golding demonstrates out of the symbol of the beast. From the beginning of the book where fate destines to take innocent children and put them on a deserted island far removed from grownups and society, evil within people will destroy some, and eventually all of humanity. After looking at the drastic ending handed to readers, Golding creates suspense and some begin to wonder what would have occurred if the naval officer never rescued the boys. The lads are the main focus of this book, instead of the setting around them or even the development of events leading to the breakdown between Jack and Ralph. The character developments of each of the boys take different paces, but they all eventually head into barbarity. Looking at a contrasting example of Ralph’s character, we initially see him as a reasonable, responsible leader who is overly-concerned with order and who acts in opposition to Jack, the main villain of the novel. In chapter seven, where the pig-hunt commences, he transforms into a figure who is overly excited by the killing, witness of blood and pure torture. In this regard, he theoretically reflects what may occur to people who find themselves in desperate situations. As all of Golding’s characters here reflect a divergent mortal personality, Ralph’s transformation is likely to be

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