Why Did The Persian Defeat The Battle Of Athens

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It is indisputable that without the victory at Marathon, Athens would have been reduced to slavery, and the rest of Greece along with it. Because of the strategic importance of the victory, it afforded the Greeks ten more years to prepare for the Persian invasion. The psychological victory that Persia could be defeated was the biggest contributor to the superiority of the Greeks and ultimate dispatch of the Persians. The Battle of Marathon made possible both the freedom of the Hellenes and the prominence and Golden Age of Athens. Build Up Since the time Darius took the throne of Persia, he needed to build the empire his predecessors passed to him. Gaining and containing authority over these regions required thousands of troops. He needed to…show more content…
If they drew the Athenians from Athens, it would be easy to capture and undefended city. While the hoplites were engaged on the field, the Persians planned to send their ships around the coast to seize Athens. They knew if the Greeks were defeated outside of Athens, the civilian populous would have no choice but to agreeably surrender. The Battle After hearing news of the Persian landing, the Athenians sent a runner to request assistance from the Spartans. The Spartans promised to send aid, but with one condition: they could not send support until a religious festival called Carneia was over. This left the Athenians with three choices: (1) meet the Persians at Marathon, (2) defend the pass at Pallini or (3) stay in the city and defend its walls. The Athenians chose Marathon. Confronting the Persians at Marathon offered the Greeks several tactical possibilities. As stated by Herodotus, the geography of the plain of Marathon was significant in the Persian decision-making. Measuring approximately 10 miles long and three miles wide, it was flanked by boggy marshlands. A large, flat plain, it was perfect for the use of the Persians' main strike weapon:

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