Lord Of The Flies Piggy Analysis

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True, Wise Friend Called Piggy “Once more that evening Ralph had to readjust his values, Piggy could think. He could step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains” (83). Piggy a high-minded youth who is stranded on an island located in the southern British-isles is a social outcaste on the island he has been stranded on. William Golding, the author of the 1952 classic Lord of The Flies, shows us an example of man’s prejudice against those who don’t fit our social standards despite what gifts they might show. Piggy’s adult-like demeanor and figure, his rational side, and his need for order all demonstrate that Piggy’s driving motivation is to create a society similar from…show more content…
Piggy represents the idea of the average adult, short and fat. Another attribute is when it depicts his health “’My auntie told me not to run… on account of my asthma” (3). He is bogged down with medical conditions such as asthma, and nearsightedness. Interestingly, in Chapter One, Piggy expresses concern that there are no other adults, "Nobody don't know we're here...." (10). Piggy demonstrates the fact that his adult demeanor dominates his personality he consistently repeats the phrase, “Auntie told me” showing his relentless pursuit for his old life and its social structure and…show more content…
He proves this on multiple fronts, for example “We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting” (12). Piggy first suggests using the conch as a device to call the children around the island together, something Ralph could never find out on his own. Piggy is extremely rational and shows an example of this during his argument with Jack where he states “How can you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper" (47). Piggy says that the boys aren’t doing what they should, they’re fooling around and being irrational and inefficient the exact opposite of what a good society is supposed to do. Piggy, unfortunately, is useless without Ralph’s leadership. When Ralph loses that leadership however; Piggy continues to reason with Ralph by saying “I dunno, Ralph. We just got to go on, that's all. That's what grownups would do” (163). Piggy once again demonstrates his ability to think rationally by telling Ralph that they need to move on, despite the loss of leadership. That despite what the other boys think and believe they must persevere and continue to motivate each other to pursue their own

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