How Does Salinity Affect The Rate Of Osmosis

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This investigation was performed to calculate what effect salinity had on the rate of osmosis tested with the use of potatoes. Using the method that is written above, we tried to determine at what salinity solutions osmosis had the most notable results at. What can be viewed from the results and graph of these results, we can determine that at 5% and 10% solutions, the higher percentage of the potato was affected by osmosis. The purpose of this experiment was to study osmosis, with the use of potatoes. As there was a recorded change in mass, osmosis did happen. This can be seen in the annotations made after removing the potato where we can see the potato pieces immersed in the lower saline solution were far more engorged than those with were in a higher solution , which were softer. A hypertonic solution is one with a greater solute level meaning lower water, explaining why the mass recorded is different than to begin with.…show more content…
The solution that the potato is plunged in has a concentration with higher water molecules; the water molecules move into the area which has the lower water concentration (or the potato cube) to attempt to achieve dynamic equilibrium, causing the potato to shrink. The loss of mass in the potato in higher saline solutions can be explained by the absorption in a hypotonic solution, a solution with the lower saline concentration meaning higher water is hypotonic. As the solution is less concentrated in water molecules than the potato, the loss of mass is due to the movement of water leaving the

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