Piggy Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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“I enjoyed hurting people.” A quote from William Golding. Not only did he think lowly of the human race, he was quite low himself. William Goldings opinion on humans being naturally evil is portrayed throughout the entire book called, Lord Of The Flies, with the events of Piggy being bullied based on his appearance, the boys gruesomely killing the pig and the horrific death of Piggy. To begin, William Goldings opinion on humans being naturally evil is portrayed with the event of Piggy being bullied based on his appearance. English schoolboys from ages 6 to 12 were in a plane crash and they ended up stranded on an island without any adults or any sort of supervision. The boys try to organize a meeting to discuss who will be chief and during…show more content…
At Castle Rock, Roger orders the boys to halt, but Ralph blows the conch. Ralph tells them he is calling a meeting, and a fight breaks out. Suddenly, interrupting the fighting, Piggy speaks up, asking everyone if it is better to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill. Everyone remains silent and hears his message. As Piggy continues his preaching of democracy, Roger slams the lever holding the boulder and it goes careening down. Ralph dodges the rock, but the unseeing Piggy is struck, sending him flying 40 feet straight down and shattering the conch. The narrator says, “Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever”… “The rock struck Piggy a glancing below from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist” (Golding 180-181). When Piggy interrupts the fight, Roger puts all of his weight on a lever to let the boulder go that sent Piggy flying 40 feet to his death and destroyed the conch. With the event of Piggys horrific death William Goldings opinion on humans being naturally evil is very clearly shown. From the start of the argument it only escalated to such extents causing an innocent young boys death, due to a sickly minded boy. Evil is clearly portrayed in the event of Piggys death, let alone any death. Killing is evil and there is no way to justify

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