Multidisciplinary Team Analysis

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A multidisciplinary team in health and social care is a group of individuals who work together to deliver and offer their services to society and service users. The members in that team share their goals and work together to achieve that goal and all share their ideas to make sure that what they do is done to the best of their ability. In each team every individual member has a specific role and responsibility according to what they do best so that it’s done effectively. Working within a multidisciplinary team in health care includes; general practices, nurses, doctors and paramedics. To ensure the best functioning team and to have effective outcomes to patients there are requirements, which include; the best use of different skills within the team, respect and trust between the team members, good use of communication and being able to make agreements within the team. This can improve the provision of health care in many ways as it can reduce the amount of mistakes occurring as the responsibilities are shared amongst each member. It can also improve the provision in health care as it ensures improved health outcomes and improved…show more content…
For example, the case of Victoria Climbie is a good example of how the lack of multidisciplinary teams working together may have a vast affect and can cause serious danger to service users. In this case communication was the main issue, the carers of Victoria took her to the general practice and the nurses, doctors and social workers noticed something unusual but no one said anything to each other and they did not discuss her within their team and it took a while for something to be said. As a result of not enough communication being done and none of the multidisciplinary teams working together and discussing her case Victoria died as her auntie was abusing her but no one had realised
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