Ainsworth Attachment Theory: Case Study

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though Matthew seem shy and quiet at times, he enjoyed new activities and his social skills developed more. His language skills are developing faster and he likes to play with blocks and puzzles, helping him to differentiate objects and name them as he plays along. Matthew's temperament were stable over the first 18 months, even though there were times when he did not like to be around other people because of his attachment with me and my partner. According to the 19-month developmental examiner's report, Matthew is advanced in his gross motor skills. This is most likely a result of environmental factors. He is very cooperative, doesn't resist or whine (Pearson Education, 2014). He is very high self-control, when asked not to do something he understands, and sometimes…show more content…
When my husband lost his job, I needed to step up for the family and provide financial support (Pearson Education, 2014). Matthew was three years old and I understood that my husband could take care of him while I was at work, but I also wanted to have a baby sitter as well. This was the best solution at that moment, while my husband looked for a job. We relied on the Piaget's Cognitive theory most of the time and Ainsworth attachment theory. The Ainsworth attachment theory states that "a child's binibial tie to the mother in which need satisfaction is seen as primary and attachment is secondary" (Bretherton, 1992). Matthew was very attached to me since his first months of age, I realize that he would not be happy if I left him with another caregiver that was not me. Thankfully, Matthew seem to understand when I left him with the babysitter. He would cry for a while right after I have left to work, but then the baby sitter would explain to him that I would be back soon (Pearson Education, 2014). This transition between the parents and a son can sometimes be hard, but it is a process that many children have to

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