attitudes such as neglect or rejection in time and these internalizations can represent self and others. Therefore, parental attitudes towards children, which are connected to attachment theory, might be a very important aspect in the development of perfectionist characteristics of the child. The basic principle of the theory is the first relationships with Family Preparing prototypes of social relationships in old age (Bartholomew,1990).
that love develops when a person perceives that another person satisfies the individual’s “deficiency” needs. Love though is a positive emotion but it gives rise to negative emotions like dependency, jealousy and insecurity and there is a need to study the negativity underlying this positive emotion. Klein
and manipulation (Maté, 2008, p. 224). While these skills help to keep substance use active, they also require expertise in exteroceptive skill, the ability to be aware of one’s surroundings (Miller, 2016). Additionally, as Interpersonal Deception Theory is beginning to explore, deception also requires a high degree of interpersonal skill (Buller & Burgoon, 1996/2006?). Although these behaviors have caused negative consequences in the past, it’s a familiar zone in early sobriety thus where this model