Physical Activities In A Public Park

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Introduction: Health is most valuable asset in human life. Most of health issues directly affect to humans day to day work life. The secret of better life or healthy life is physical activities or simply physical exercises. Most important thing is Regular physical activity has been presented to decrease morbidity and mortality by reducing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, colon cancer, feelings of depression, and weight, while building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and joints (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 1996). Australian Physical Activity guidelines were published in 1999, which suggested every adult should gather sensible strength activity for half an hour on most days of the…show more content…
Health and well-being benefits can increase in a number of ways when visiting public green spaces. The simple act of live in or looking nature may be beneficial, and assist in the maintenance of health (Pretty, Peacock, Sellens, & Griffin, 2005). These healing effects of nature were recognized to people’s innate relationship with and need for nature known as “biophilia” (Nisbet, Zelenski, &Murphy, 2011). As well, physical activities in public green spaces can contribute much to health and well-being. The closer people live to a public park, for example, the more frequently they engage in the minimum recommended physical activity, and the less likely they are to be overweight (Coombes, Jones, &Hillsdon, 2010). Whilst public green spaces may provide a suitable location for physical activities, the incidental exposure to nature while performing these activities can have a synergistic effect (Hansmann, Hug, & Seeland, 2007). Physical activity in the park area can cover four…show more content…
The providing of fun activity can provide physical health benefits to the public. It was found that there were not enough paths in the park and so the number of users also dropped in the parks. It is found in various research studies that the participation of public in physical and fun activities is more related with the socio-economic, regional and demographic characteristics of the area. It is evident that metropolitan citizens are more associated in the fun works than the inner-city or poor population. These things should be considered while providing the stations for the physical activity (Giles-Corti & Donovan, 2002). It can likewise expand the recreational and physical action in an all the more well-disposed and social environment. The trails and practice stations can likewise be gainful for an economy. These offices can make a solid situation in the economy and along these lines the expense of wellbeing issues are lessens. At the point when there is a recreation center present in a region that can likewise expand the estimation of property in that

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