What Are The Pros And Cons Of Military Soldiers

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Soldiers are being deployed more so now than in the past. Thirty years ago, it was rare for the average person to know someone who had been or was deployed. Now, almost everyone knows someone who has been deployed in the last few years. Military soldiers come home from deployments with a variety of concerns. Sometimes there are difficulties with their families and children adjusting to the service member being home. Some soldiers may have been injured in the field and need new treatments. There are many cases where the mental health of military members has become compromised, sometimes leading to PTSD or suicide. The United States military forces need to shorten deployments for their members. Families and children who have a relative in the U.S military are affected by their deployments. The parent who remains home now has to do all the work around the house, manage children’s activities, control finances, and have their own stress. “The spouses of deployed service members often function…show more content…
military members that are entering the U.S. Military. Considering that one of their family members or even themselves would want shorter deployment to have time to see family. If everyone could lone a hand and helped our soldiers from not coming home with PTSD and committing suicide there would be no health problems. Therefore it is hard for families to corporate when one of their family members heads off to deployed, but it is also hard on the soldiers that are leaving. depression and anxiety would affect families including soldiers, but also mental health because of injuries that is leading towards ptsd and that is a bigger risk to take for families because soldiers come home with it, also therefore ptsd leads into suicide. Each family has there own phase that they go through when a service member is deployed; therefore its also hard on spouses and younger teenager that have to deal with the inconvenience through the rest of their

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