Robert Moses Accomplishments

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Robert Moses was a renowned builder who played a pivotal role in shaping the physical environment of major landmarks around New York State during the 20th century (Christin & Balez, 2014). During his lifetime, he held a long list of public offices because of his indispensable significance on both the state and city of New York. Robert Moses was referred as the New York’s Master Builder because he transformed the face of the country more than any other architect in history. Among his few architectural works scattered around the country are Jones Beach State Park, Triborough Bridge, and Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, West Side Highway, Niagara, St. Lawrence power projects and Long Island parkway system. Robert died in the year 1981 at the age of 92. Mr. Moses earned a lot of achievements for his modest works. He transformed the New York States 2,567,256 acres into 658 playgrounds, 416 miles of playgrounds and 13 bridges, several tunnels, bridges, exhibition halls, civil centers and housing (Balez, 2014). Most of his works shaped and influenced the building of most modern cities that were characterized by towers and highways. Throughout Robert Moses career, he always pointed with pride his ability to ensure ‘things got done.’ among his close associates and advisers were Belle Moskowitz and Governor Alfred Smith, they assisted his plan and…show more content…
His concentrate on only building the best have led to the development of infrastructure, land preservation and conservation of nature for parks. Most of his initiatives were to blend different environments without destroying nature. Most of the parking space created by Robert are still in existence, his efforts saw the renovation of the central park zoo including the planning and implementation of over 1,700 projects all over America. It was through launching pads and invigorating parks that parks have been made accessible

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