Personal Narrative On A Day In High School

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School just got out and it was a Friday, so I was ready to leave. My mom and I were getting loaded up after school to head to Indianapolis. As we were driving, i looked out the window to see a blue sky with some fluffy clouds here and there. After a while of driving I could see some tall buildings in the distance and the air got a little thicker. When we were finally downtown we drove to our hotel. When we got there we unloaded our bags, checked into our room, and we unpacked some of the bags in the room. We were hungry so we decided to walk to a nearby restaurant to get some food. When I ordered, I wanted something high in carbohydrates so I got a good favorite, macaroni and cheese. As the food came out I could smell the cheddar and it was delicious when I ate it. After eating and paying the bill it was getting dark and cold when we were walking back to the hotel. When we got to the room I passed out in bed like a baby. I woke up and it was about six in the morning and the race starts…show more content…
A few minutes later, I come across a bridge and the water is a beautiful blue as it glistens in the sunlight. In the sky there are a many clouds but it is still very sunny. I turn the corner to see many crowds cheering all the runners on and bands playing to give out entertainment. There is a water station, so I grab a cup and drink it whilst continuing to run. As I ran I felt great so I pushed the pace up a bit. All my training has paid off, because after five miles i felt fresh. I got another drink and began entering the Indianapolis Motor Speedway the Longest part of the course, in my opinion. Halfway through the track I stopped, kissed the bricks, got back up, and continued to run. As I exited the track I was approaching the nine mile mark and I still felt very good. I reached the CLIF Bar energy booth and I took a gel pack for the last stretch of 3.1
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