Calgary Family Assessment Model Paper

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Family Overview Purpose of paper and briefly describe the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) (one paragraph). The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) is a recognized multidimensional template which consist of three categories: structural, developmental, and functional (Wright and Leahey, 2013). The model is was designed to assist nurses nurses in gathering data, in several different areas allowing the healthcare professional to gain insight of a family and to aid in developing a plan, and the ability to implement interventions or individualized care plan for a family. Family Assessment Family Description The family that is presented in this paper is considered and a nuclear family. Members of the nuclear family include Mike who is a father and husband, age 25, Jamie mother and wife, age 25, and infant son Jacob, age 4 months. Jamie and Mike are the biological parents of Jacob. Mike and Jamie have been married for two years, never been married before, and do not…show more content…
Mike and Jamie are in a monogamous heterosexual relationship and have been married for two years. Four months ago Jamie gave birth to her son Jacob. Jamie describes Mike her husband as the breadwinner and head of household, Mike agreed. Jamie describes herself as a loving wife, and caretaker of her son and husband and identifies herself the primary caregiver. Both Jamie and Mike display affection towards one another and their son, smiling, giggling, active listening, and easy to detect emotional ties. The family's level of hierarchy ranges from Mike, who is 27 years of age, Jamie of is 25 years of age, Jacob who is four months , and their two Labrador dogs Tucker and

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