Lao Tzu And Bhagavad Gita Comparison

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Mason Ridley HON 171 / 1:30 2 October 2015 Krishna, Lao Tzu, and Life The Tao and The Bhagavad Gita are two ancient texts that capture many modern beliefs, while also revealing ancient ideas that these philosophers created in their day. Lao Tzu creates The Tao to teach his disciples the true meaning of existence. Living life in its purest form without diversion from the path of the way is the chief goal of Lao Tzu’s creation. The Bhagavad Gita speaks of Krishna’s and Arjuna’s dialogue before a large battle. Krishna partakes in this work to teach his followers the way of life and ultimately lead them to enlightenment. The texts are fundamentally compatible because they both advocate similar paths to transcendence. Patience is utilized in both texts as a player in the journey to purity…show more content…
The Tao adheres the importance of humility in the quote “They do not believe in humility, but always try to be first. This is certain death.” (Tao 69) Lao Tzu makes it clear the one cannot put themselves first and still follow the ways of The Tao. Lao Tzu wants self-importance to fall below the significance of purity. Commitment to the end state must be the entire intentions of one and selfishness will deter the follower from the path. Krishna also recognizes humility as a critical element to travel the path of transcendence in the quote “Whatever you do, or eat, or give, or offer in adoration, let it be an offering to me; whatever you suffer, suffer it for me.” (Gita 45) Sacrifice of selfish actions is the ultimate state of humility. The priorities of ones actions must put Krishna and his ways first or the path cannot be pursued. Humility goes hand in hand with both works because the priorities of life and one’s self are the same. Krishna and Lao Tzu both believe that the end state should be put above all and reflect ones actions as a follower of the

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