Italian Immigration 1920

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Italian immigrants that migrated to the united states from 1890 and onward, became a part of the new immigration. Between the years of 1900 to 1915, three million of these italian immigrants came to America. Most of these immigrants were artisans and peasants, which came from Southern Italy. Between 1876 to 1930, five million immigrants who came to the United States, were from the south as well. ⅔ of the immigrant population were farm laborers and laborers. The laborers were mainly agricultural based and were not as familiar with the mining and the textile industries. In 1913, the Italian citizens that immigrated to the United States reached an all time high record. Due to the large mass of Italian immigrants, they became a main contributor to the labor supply in America. During the 1920’s, a lot of immigrants had earned enough money in…show more content…
Most Africans leave Libya late at night and travel across the Mediterranean sea with Italy as their destination. Almost two thousand people have died from trying to cross this treacherous path. Libyan coastguards intercept many of the boats that are transporting illegal immigrants from Africa. The immigration from Africa to Europe is suspected to reshape the European continent in many more ways than anything the United States is likely to experience. Some immigrants desire is to not only reach europe, but also to reach Britain because of its stronger economy and does not have a national identity card. The scrambles of Africans to Europe will more than likely determine whether states will thrive over this time period or collapse. The Africans desperation might drive the situation, which would create rising expectations, connections forged by globalization. Many of these Africans seem to be very ambitious, educated citizens from countries in the process of growing their economies, not just

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