Personal Narrative: My Cultural Identity

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A typical gathering with my family always consists of good food cooked by my grandmother, prayer, laughing, talking, card playing, and of course if you’re not 18 and older sitting at the kids table. After eating, my cousins and I would play board games or watch T.V. We’d leave late in the night after having a great time.This is just a small piece of my rainbow of culture. My cultural identity has been formed through my religion, family, and food. Religion is a very big thing in my culture and it always has been. I’m a christian. I’m from the denomination apostolic and pentecostal.Faith, prayer, and love are all big parts of my religion. Religion has formed me into the person I am today because of everything I’ve learned and experienced from…show more content…
They’ve shaped my cultural identity by all of the lessons and traditions i’ve learned from them. My family comes from a background of African, European, and Indian roots. Some of our family traditions include putting up our Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving, and going to church on Easter, the Sunday before thanksgiving , Mother's Day and Father's Day! On Christmas Eve we always make enough snacks to last us a lifetime. My family has shaped my cultural identity because of how I was taught and how it’s different than most people. For instance, my mom is open to talk with me about anything I want to know. I can talk her about anything because I won’t get in trouble for asking about something I’m curious about. Most kids my age say how they can’t talk to their family about anything and that makes me different from them because I’ve never been in that type of environment. This builds up trust within my family which some people may not have and because of this bond with my family it has made me the person I am today. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from my family is when I was going to try out for a solo and I was nervous my mom told me “ Even if you are nervous don’t sound nervous. You can either go out there nervous and sound bad or nervous and sound good by confidence.”. This lesson I still use to this day and it has helped me with gaining confidence within myself and not caring what others think or say no matter what
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