Personal Narrative

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The day before was long we had driven from Charleston all the way to Tennessee in a day. We stayed at a hotel, sleeping however was nigh impossible the excitement for the next day was building we were going white water rafting. We woke up at six and had to shovel the hotels breakfast because we needed to get to the river within the hour. After being rushed and driving as quickly as possible we finally arrived, the river was beautiful seeing it from hundreds of feet above in the mountains. We got to the campground where we learned about safety and what to do if we fell out of our raft; we then got onto a bus that would take us down to the river. After another half hour or so we got to the river which was only a few inches high, I was wondering…show more content…
I answered “The first one was fun but Surprise caught me off guard!” Ben behind me said “Surprise was very fun but I think the first one topped it.” We were interrupted by the river guide saying “If you think that was fun wait until we hit Olympic!” What he didn’t tell us was that Olympic was actually used in the Olympics as the final rapid. We saw…show more content…
We hit it head on Ben shouted “YAAAAA...” as we went over and he was abruptly cut off I looked back and he wasn’t there I saw his arm on the side of the raft hanging on and it then was sucked down under the raft. I looked forward as the raft started to tilt Ben had to wait we were going over another rapid. We hit the bottom and I heard a call from my right side “Connor get over here help me pull him up!” I thought it was Ben and rushed over to help him, however, I was wrong instead was a 300 plus pound man being pulled up by the shoulder straps on his life jacket. I felt the raft tipping over as he was being pulled in. Then suddenly the raft came near to level Ben was being pulled up on the other side. We had finished the rapid and had to pull over to the side to let the other man out. We took our break and finished the rest of the rapids and got into the car to leave. The ride home was 13 hours and the traffic didn’t help. We stopped to eat at a Wendy’s to eat and it was at this point I realized I had an awful sun burn once I had noticed the pain was only amplified. I was attempting to sleep the pain however was incredible it was only increased by sudden stopping and starting on the road due to heavy Nashville
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