Personal Narrative Analysis

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On a Monday morning a delicate little girl was born. They named her Norma Liliana Rivera Arriaga. I was born in Tijuana, BC. I was an only child for about a year and a half. Then my sister Lizbeth Rivera was brought to the world. During this time I was taken to live with my grandparents. My parents made this decision because it would’ve been difficult to take care of a newborn and a toddler. I had my childhood fulfilled with the love of my family because they have always supported my decisions and opinions. My mom taught me how to read and write in spanish right before I was going to start preschool in Tijuana. I ended up moving to the United States of America instead. My parents wanted us to have a better education. We had our papers fixed…show more content…
I am very committed to serving at my church and inviting others to this community. My sister, Lizbeth, and I treat each other as if we were best friends. I am proud to say that I have been a role model for her as her older sister. When we moved to City Heights, an inner city, I was about four years old. I started school when I was five because of the time range. I went straight to kindergarten without knowing any English. This was one of my major struggles because I had to learn to communicate with my peers and teachers. As I went through my elementary years it was complicated for me because my learning pace for English and math was slow. I would cry every night because I couldn’t find a way to finish the packets of homework . Everyday I would get tons of homework from my first grade teacher, Ms. Rutter. I eventually became a better learner through the help of my parents and my middle school counselor from Monroe Clark Middle School. During my middle school years I learned to become independent. I challenged myself to accelerate my knowledge. I decided to become more dedicated into my academics. I learned how to use my time wisely and how to be

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