Personal Narrative Analysis

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Social Cognition- How people learn and think about themselves in the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information to make judgements and decisions. One day, I was driving in the car, I saw an elderly man. His clothes was unclean and torn and he was not well groomed. I automatically made the assumption that he was homeless. Intrinsic Motivation- The desire to engage in an activity because we enjoy it or find it interesting, not because of external rewards or pressure. Example: I love to dance. Dancing relieves stress and its great exercise. While dancing, I get to show of my unique talents, such as my technique, facials, energy and choreography. Furthermore, on my down time I teach dance classes at the gym. I help others out of kindness, looking for nothing in return. Extrinsic Motivation- The desire to engage in an activity because of external…show more content…
Not only do some of the nonverbal behaviors of one culture mean nothing in another, but the same nonverbal behavior can exist in two cultures but have very different meanings in each. Such nonverbal differences can lead to misunderstanding when people from different societies interact. Examples1: Eye contact and gaze- In America culture, direct contact is valued; a person who won’t “look you in the eye” is perceived as being evasive or even lying. However, in many parts of the world, direct eye contact is considered being disrespectful, especially with superiors. For example, in Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Thailand, children are taught not to make direct contact with their teachers and other adults. Example2: The thumbs up gesture- In the United States, rising one of the fingers in the fist means “OK”. Several European countries have a similar meaning for this gesture; for example, in France it means “Excellent!” However, in Japan, same gesture means “boyfriend”, while in Iran and Sardinia, it is

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