Lolita Character Analysis

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discover his separate identity. All credit is due, for this transformation, to his philosopher and guide, Lolita.” (Ray 174) Lolita is a Brahmo girl and Binoy is an orthodox Hindu youth. As their determination grows stronger, they forget “that they were Hindu or Brahmo, and only remembered that they were two human souls.’’ (Tagore 306) and feel that:”If love is unable to acknowledge differences, then why there are differences anywhere in this world?” (Tagore 306) Binoy’s marriage is not a sacrifice of his friendship with Gora but a final revolt against his die hard Hinduism. Many a time he yields to his friendship for Gora and we are inclined to think that he will sacrifice his love on the altar devotion for the girl whom she loves. Lolita’s…show more content…
Paresh Babu does not have the prejudice and narrow –mindedness of Haran Babu. He has a liberal outlook on life. He has a serenity of temper which is unruffled by the storm and stress of worldly life. He has the capacity to appreciate the others to appreciate the others point of view without sacrificing his own. “He has a sympathetic attitude towards the short comings of others. Gora in his moments of exasperation at the behavior of Lolita and Sucharita, speak provocatively to Paresh Babu but he never loses his patience and forbearance even for a single moment.” (Chakravarthy 201) It is significant that Lolita and Sucahrita have the deepest reverence for their father although he never imposes his will upon them. That Paresh Babu is a man of strong will is evident from the way in which he stands as pillar of strength and support to Lolita in her predicament. He believes in the freedom of the individual and has the moral courage to stand against social tyranny, He says to Sucharita: “It can never be right man should remain narrow and confined out of of regard for society –rather society ought to become more liberal out of regard for the individual. Therefore I can never find fault with these who are ready to face the suffering their actions involve.” (Tagore…show more content…
What is Hindu? Society? He sees only man” (Tagore 309) Gora however is no novel of romance. Tagore’s narration of romantic love and marriage transcending the barriers of caste. Race and ritual is pre-cursor to the universal humanism that Gora realizes towards the end. Some critics have expressed dissatisfaction at the way the denouement has been brought about B.C Chakravorty regards it as “an artificial solution’ (Chakravarthy 198) and Nirad C. Chaudhari opines that “….. A victory for liberal cosmopolitanism is pulled off only by means of a deal ex machine. (Chaudari 198) Sujit Mukherjee considers it. The most serious weakness of the novel’ and S.C.Sena Gupta Comments as

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