Management Perspective Paper

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Research and Reflection - Management Perspective When I think of the types of leadership and managerial qualities I would like to follow and emulate, I think of J. Summers, Vice President of Operations at Quest Medical in Allen, Texas. Summers has worked at the company for more than ten years and has been instrumental in turning around several departments within the organization. S/He has recently been assigned to manage the operations department, and it is well on its way to achieving record-breaking success. Summers is thought of as the leader and go-to problem solver within the company due to his/her proven history of success in improving work processes that achieve goals and increase profits, creating a strong and supportive team environment…show more content…
8). In order to have good management, a company needs to have good managers to help achieve the company goals and reduce the areas of inefficiencies. Managers can become more successful and impactful in their role by focusing on leading well, understanding personalities and motivations, making good decisions and communicating effectively to their staff; and as a result, they become better employees, managers and citizen which contributes to the overall success of the…show more content…
Robbins, et al., mentions that managers are likely to have happier and better performing employees if they consider matching personalities with job tasks (2015). When managers take this step to align personalities with assignments, the staff benefits because they feel valued by their boss and this in turn creates an environment that improves the likelihood of people getting along with their boss and others. When people get along, they can focus on tasks getting done rather than focusing on resolving interpersonal conflict. Robbins, et al. notes that being a successful manager and accomplishing goals means working well together both inside and outside of the organization (2015). Again, this behavior pairs nicely with the transformational leadership model by focusing on the staff in a way that improves their efficiency and confidence, and increases the chances of successfully reaching organizational goals.
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