Mount Everest Simulation Paper

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Reflection: Mt. Everest Simulation Wei Liu Ohio Dominican University Reflection: Mt. Everest Simulation It is a dangerous expedition to climb Mount Everest, a Herculean task for human to fight against volatile weather conditions, supplies challenges, mental and physical difficulties and dangers. Unpredictable events can strike without any warnings, complexities and disasters desperate the most experienced professional climbers in high altitude and fight for living. Death is the shadow of all adventures, during the ascending, miscommunications, faulty judgments, wrong decisions, complacency or a simple mistake can cause catastrophic consequences. As a matter of fact, climbing Mount Everest cannot be completed by single person, because it is…show more content…
Team cohesion refers to the degree to which team members exhibit interpersonal attraction, group pride and commitment to the task (Zaccaro et al., 1995). Members are committed to one another and are motivated to stay in a cohesive team. Team 2 members were fully committed and built the trust at the very beginning of the simulation. Being a cohesive group may affect the member behavior because of the internal pressure to conform (Beard, 2015). When the team was challenged by the weather in round 3, I had the ability to inform the team about the weather as the Marathoner with previous day’s data, after shared the information, I realized the majority of the team tended to stay and wait the weather report function to be fixed during the communication, I conformed the team’s decision to stay in the end. Social loafing refers to the tendency of individuals to put in less effort when working in a group context (Beard, 2015), team 2 demonstrated more on the collective efficacy rather than social loafing. All team members put substantive effort in order to make every…show more content…
Before the simulation, each member went through personal profile and was able to share the information within the simulation chat function. As a team, all members agreed to share as much information as needed in the process, the easiness and transparency of communication kept team 2 to stay in positive team environment from the beginning to the end. As the simulation went, more individual information revealed on each round. We were agreed to share all information provided in each round. The extrovert members prefer to share them proactively, and introvert members tend to share information better when others ask the right question. Although with the mutual agreement of sharing information, different personalities exhibit different approach to share individual information. Everest Simulation Decision-Making

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