Personal Health Record Profile

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A full personal Health Record profile being shared with every member of a patient’s healthcare team, sometimes, could be the huge difference between life and death. This is no baloney. Read on to find out As far as medical health records go, we're kind of trapped in a weird state of transition that can be frustrating, confusing and even dangerous for patients. Many doctor's clinics and hospitals still use traditional paper files, or a mix of paper and electronic files, while fewer than 10 percent have transitioned into the world of electronic health records. But if we talk about patients in emergency conditions like heart attack, serious injury, road accident; a majority of them suffer severe health damage due to their partial health information…show more content…
So, now you can see how proper & complete medical records can play a major role in providing a better, correct and quality treatment to the patient in an emergency. Losing health records is a common mistake made by almost every Indian citizen and those who keep each and every health records often face difficulty managing them. To overcome this situation, it calls for a platform or tools that allow people to easily store, track, manage, collect, share and access their past as well as current health record or health record of their family members. Fortunately, there is an application whose function is exactly the same as described above. This application is called a Personal Health Record. It is no exaggeration to state that a PHR could save your life, particularly in an emergency. PHR lets you access and share online your past and present diagnostic report, pathology reports, your medications including dosages, major surgeries with dates, family history and immunization history with your attending physician at the time of emergency. PHR also help you save money and the hassle of repeating the regular medical…show more content…
Misleading or inaccurate patient health information can result in medical errors, increased cost, and inaccurate prescriptions. Providing your doctors with access to every aspect of your medical history is complicated. Striking the balance between adequate and too much information are tricky. Your Personal Health Record has emerged as ways to maintain that balance and address all these issues All of this facts suggests that the PHR has incredible value including the ability to wipe out redundant testing, save billions in health care costs and assure that a patient’s complete health information is accessible to all their physicians at the point of consideration. In a medical emergency, the PHR can be a lifesaver, providing vital information including medical condition the patient is being treated for, medications the patient is allergic to and emergency listing in order to contact the primary care provider or other emergency contacts to facilitate
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