Personal Essay: My Interest In Social Work

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My interest in the field of social work stems from my strong sense of community. During my high school years, l gained a lifelong understanding of what it felt to give back to my community and to work alongside individuals who were in need of assistance. I had been volunteering at a residential health care facility known as Northern Metropolitan, assisting the residents with their daily recreational activities. Going into this experience, l was timid and nervous. However, as time passed by, l felt myself slowly opening up more and gaining a better insight as to the role l was playing as a volunteer. To me, it may have just seemed as though l was visiting these residents, but to them, it was much more. The residents now had someone to talk to, play cards with, help them with their meals, and to tell the stories they had been holding onto for so long. The moment l was able to understand just what it meant to visit these residents and spend a day with them, was the moment that l felt l was a part of a bigger mission. I had discovered the pleasure of learning and working with others, and l was inspired to continue. My first experience volunteering had instilled me to want to become a social worker because of my motivation to want to be a part of a bigger mission and to help make a difference in a supportive and compassionate way. During my…show more content…
People deserve to know their rights, and sometimes talking to someone who is knowledgeable in this field, may be of some assistance. This is a social and political issue that has the immigrant communities coming together to help support one another during this time of harsh reform. By providing support and aid to these individual during their time of need, even if it means directing them to someone who may know more about this issue, this problem can be addressed rather than just spoken about. Only talking about the issue does not cause change, acting on it

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