Roles Of Forensic Accounting

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Forensic Accounting’s main role is preparing statements that’s suitable to be presented in court depending on the auditing, investigation and accounting skills. It is a practice that emphasis the use of accounting skills to investigate fraud in the corporates and organizations, and analyze information drawn from such investigations for the purposes of use in legal proceedings. There are a common confusion between forensic accounting and forensic auditing. Forensic auditing displays a system of engagements that particularly revolve around investigative work. The investigation includes financial negligence and fraud investigation. Yet further, forensic accountants are requested as expert witness in the event the investigated fraud is subjected…show more content…
Disagreements relating to company acquisition, most specifically earn outs or breach of warranties. Unfortunately, it is the inherent feature of man to dishonor arranged agreements and pursue self interest especially where financial success is involved. Forensic accountants are useful in establishing whether there was any stated agreement in the first place in the event an organization or an individual fails to honor earn outs in terms of financial compensations, or even when there is a breach of warranties or contracts Business Violation: At times, forensic accountants are engaged in the procedural estimation of economic value of the investors’ interest in a business. With the uncertainty that surround most of the markets, most of the investors and other financial market participants are willing to pay or receive compensations to affect the sales of their business or businesses of others. This is mainly in a bid to regulate competition in the marketplace. Forensic accountants drawing from their auditing and valuation skills in accounting do such…show more content…
Transactional audits focus at the evidence supporting the disclosure and number in the financial and transaction statement. The aim is therefore not to uncover fraud but to determine if the transaction statement presented by the management meets the General Accepted Accounting Principles (Lafountain, 2016). Forensic auditing on the other hand targets unsolved fraud in the financial transaction. While transactional auditing may discover fraud in the process of auditing, the main aim is not to uncover fraud, but rather to determine if there were procedural flaws in the process of transaction (Lafountain,

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