Personal Care Product Case Study

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INTRODUCTION Generally, care product area unit those product that a shopper uses for her personal purpose. It includes differing kinds of cosmetics and skin care product like talc, cold cream, toothpaste, fairness cream, toothbrush, deodorant, perfume, hair oil, shampoo, soap, and every one form of baby care and sweetness care product. every one want these product a day. Personal care product area unit the a part of FMCG business. In some words we will say that personal care product area unit the backbone of FMCG business. As per the time passes away, the demand of non-public care product are increasing day per day and future of these product are terribly bright and profitable. There was a time once shoppers not pay quantity of} amount on the private care product. however in those days, they\'re not solely hopeful for disbursement more cash on the cosmetic product, however at a similar time they\'re probing for an honest and prestigious brand for the actual product. fashionable media and publicity plays a crucial role within the increasing of demand of…show more content…
With the introduction of television system and a good array of television channels likewise because the net, the typical Indian client is continuallybombarded with advertisements and knowledge on new cosmetic product which frequently translates into the need to buy them. A boom within the Indian industry has also been joined to the multiplied awareness of Indian individuals regarding their appearances and consequently contributed to a rise within the demand for cosmetic product. However, even with the huge surge within the quality of cosmetic product, Statistics have shown that the typical Indian client spends a lot of less on cosmetic products than customers from each alternative a part of the planet. this suggests that the Indian cosmetic business has a good bigger potential for growth than it\'s presently

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