Consequences Of The American Dream

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This essay will account for the American Dream and its consequences. The essay will focus on the big change in buying behaviour and the change of interpretation of the American Dream. The essay will also discuss a sceptical aspect of having the newest and best products, and why some people might buy so expensive goods to their wives and children. Lastly, this essay will also look at the consequences of giving children too much power and the truth about shopping. Due to the “American Dream” many people seek to live in America. But what is the American Dream? The American Dream has its roots all the way back to the Declaration of Independence. The American Dream is based on personal success, which is achieved through hard work and sacrifices.…show more content…
That is because these two things work themselves into people’s brains and encourage them to work harder, so they can receive a higher salary. “The good life is attainable through the “goods” life.” People think that the main reasons to have a good life is earning a lot of money, and use them to buy materialistic goods. They also believe that they can receive happiness, esteem and love through these materialistic goods, however that is not always the case. “Research consistently says that more people value materialistic aspiration and goals the lower their happiness and life satisfaction and a few are plus emotions they experience day to day.” The two quotes can be set in relation to each other, because of the difference in what people think and what the truth is. People think they get happier by having more money and goods, however studies have shown us that people are no happier, in fact they are the opposite. Also, materialistic goods have an impact on people’s social relationships, nature and beneficial activities. Materialistic people tend to be more rude and incorporative when money is on their mind, this also goes for nature they tend to care less about the…show more content…
This can also affect their children’s sense. This can eventually result in very poor behaviour and unacceptable acts. As the second source said: “His defence team says he suffers from affluenza. A popular term for children from wealthy families who have a sense of entitlement as make excuses for poor behaviour.” Affluenza is, in my opinion, not an acceptable excuse for such poor behaviour that Ethan Couch (16 years old) had. Ethan Couch’s blood alcohol level was three times the limit and speeding when his truck crashed, and killed 4 four pedestrians. He was sentenced, what some people might call a soft penalty, 10 years probation and was assigned to a private rehabilitation centre by the juvenile court judge. Now we are getting back to the American Dream. The American nation has become obsessed with shopping and buying unnecessary things. America has forgotten what the real American Dream really is all about. As mentioned, the American Dream is about personal success, however it is also about individualism, freedom of speech and independence. “Shopping is not a problem on its own; it's the obsessive accumulation of unnecessary products, along with the hope that buying a Chanel bag will somehow make you happier that is
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