Essay On Privacy In Education

803 Words4 Pages
V. EDUCATION The advance in technology making the adverse effect in the field of education. The technology has changing the face of education field by means of making the education facilities online. The student can join the virtual classrooms. The mailing system has playing the important role in communication in the student and the teacher. The assignment and the other thing are going through the use of internet. For some students the virtual instructor is best option because the all the information and data are available on the internet and can learn the more thing on the internet. But for other students they require the education as well as motivation, workbooks, self assignment, self discipline, encouraging and developing background. On the other hand the text is converted into audio / video format and students can learn from the internet. These things are playing the important role for those students who…show more content…
Privacy should also apply to social groups and other associations. In case of privacy the selecting privacy one should allow to select the one personal information sharing under rightful act. The rights should extents to one’s personal information. The rapid increase in computing and communications power has raised considerable concern about privacy both in the public and private sector. The cost of data storing is less and cost effective , so all private information regarding user’s account information, interest, social status, personal information, educational status etc. the data storing is very practical for the government and the data mining enterprises’ to store and manage the data. These enterprises provide the great security but still there may have chance to crack the security level and steal the private data. A lot of the information available on the Internet is incomplete and even incorrect. People spend more and more of their time absorbing irrelevant information just because it is available and they think they should know about

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