Performance Appraisal Analysis

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Now a days, the performance appraisal (PA) has increasingly become part of a more strategic approach to the integration of human resources and corporate policies and can now be considered a standard term covering a variety of activities through which organizations seek to assess employees and develop their skills, improve performance and share rewards. The success of a organization depends on the performance of employees and it is the human tendency to judge everything and everyone around them. If there are no fixed standards of judging, they will start Judging on the basis of informal norms that can create a lack of enthusiasm and affect employee performance and in turn, the organization. Therefore, it is essential that we put the right to…show more content…
According to Sir Wayne Cascio. "Performance Evaluation is the systematic description of the strengths and relevant employment of an employee "weaknesses. The performance evaluation ", it is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his work performance and development potential. "According to Flippo, "performance of whom which is appraised is known as appraisee and his superior officer who does the appraisee is known as appraiser. Performance appraisal is a evaluation systematic assessment of employee performance and understand the capabilities of a person for growth and development. Performance evaluation is usually done systematically, which…show more content…
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)- It focus on specific desirable and undesirable incidents of work behavior which can serve as examples in discussing a rating. BARS use behavioral statements or as a strong examples to show multiple levels of performance for each element of performance. Humans Resource Accounting-This method defines human resource accounting for people as an organizational resource. The main concept of HRA is that the people are valuable resources of an organization or enterprise, information on investment and value of human resource is useful for decision making in the organization. Assessment Centers- In this method common job simulations is used to assess centers in basket exercises, group discussions, simulations of interviews with “subordinates” or “clients”, to find facts, analysis/decision making problems, oral presentation exercises, written communication
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