Medellin's Modus Operandi Case Study

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The rise of Medellin’s modus operandi As many rightly believe that the cartel’s cocaine smuggling started in 1976, the origins of such smuggles started way back in the 1950s. According to Fillipone (1994), the Colombians produced a small amount of cocaine and with the help of the Cuban mafia it was smuggled into the United States. Cocaine was transported with the Cubans movements. This is because the initial smuggles where through “mules," people who carry cocaine on themselves through hiding the cocaine in stuff and trespassing airports with this illegitimate powder. In 1976, the famous Carlos Lehder came up with the perfect plan and the whole smuggling process changed. It changed from people smuggling cocaine to small aircrafts, which meant more kilos were smuggled. Cocaine’s routes were…show more content…
Two months later, the Extraditables made the fourth offer, 200 trafficker would surrender to the government but not with extradition in action and also would stand trail before a Colombian court. They sought to an end of torture by revealing further Medellín Cartel’s information and also requested a special detention centre. This came along another promise, that of releasing the hostages. This led to a change in the labelling systems of drug traffickers and ordinary criminals. These offers made by drug traffickers differentiate from the rest because the punishment would be totally different. Legal authorities against the cartel After killing 178 judges including 24 members in the Colombia Palace of Justice siege, the Medellín Cartel faced the extradition treaty. According to Otera (1991) in the city of two million people, different cartels were stopping the legal authorities with violence and assassinations.

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