Causes Of Frustration In Sports

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Frustration from players at the game “The road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.” –Nike People don’t understand the difference between playing a game and wining. They only have in mind to win and nothing else and when they lose they blame others for that. There is a really big problem about the reactions of athletes when they lose in the world of sports today. 3 possible solutions are: help children understand that a defeat is a defeat, also the children who cant handle their frustration while playing should get out because they aren’t having fun at that point. Last but not least tell them to sit it out if they can’t control their frustration. In this problem every single player that goes out to play could suffer the frustration of losing a game, so everybody is involved. There are a lot of people that get really wild when they lose and can’t control themselves, so they could hurt others while doing that. First of all, children need help to understand that a defeat is a defeat, and that losing is not the…show more content…
The agony of defeat when they lose a game they feel sad, anxious, depressed and a lot of other feelings. They can’t handle their frustration so they start losing their self-esteem and the next time, he plays with a lot of anger. Also when they frustrate they blame others for that –Dr. Alan Goldberg expert in sports from the University of Massachusetts, Amherts. By way of illustration, last Super Bowl, the #49 was Seattle vs. Patriots, it was a really good game, it was really compared. In the 4th quarter they got to a decisive play in the last second. The Quarterback didn’t follow the coach instructions and did another play. They didn’t convert the play and didn’t score. At the end they lost and the Quarterback started blaming everybody except

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