Examples Of Conflict Management

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Overview This conflict management paper is designed to challenge me to incorporate lifetime conflict management skills. Skills that I will need to resolve conflicts as I navigate through life. In this paper, I will explore the problem-solving process and traverse conflict management using the collaboration style methods. For the purpose of this exercise, the conflict is between me (Tony) and a friend (Lauren). I will describe the conflict-producing event, including dialogue, and what happened to the conflict when left to our own devices (without proper techniques). I submit a second dialogue, in contrast to the first, with the proper techniques being used. There will be a variation to the dialogue, influencing the outcome. Using the problem-solving…show more content…
Is it a pseudo conflict, a simple (idea) conflict or an ego conflict? Knowing the type of conflict allows one to analyze the conflict effectively. A pseudo conflict presents itself as the parties involved don’t agree however; they really are in agreement. The parties involved just interpret the same thing, differently. With a simple conflict , individuals actually see “eye-to-eye” but, what is needed is a “meeting of the minds” and about the issues in the conflict. The ego conflict is where the participants involved in this combative-type conflict are not even “on the same page” as far as the conflict is concerned. It is if the combatants are “looking for a fight.” Name calling, labeling (wrong or bad), raised voices, and personal attacks are all indictors of an ego conflict. Ego conflicts cannot be resolved if they stay in the ego-conflict realm. To resolve this type of conflict, steps must to be taken to transform them into simple conflicts. Another part of analyzing the problem is to determine the cause and effect--“If we do this, is will…show more content…
Determine Goals: In this step, identify your goal (wants and needs) and the goals of your partner (wants and needs). It’s important to state your goals in a broad and general way. Sometimes it can be a real balancing act, your goals and the other party’s goals and the greater goal of maintaining a relationship. Active listening skills are paramount. Each person must come together in a cooperative but self-confident and self-assured way, standing their ground as they describe his or her needs. In this process, paraphrasing and asking questions for clarification is
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