Pallarenda Essay

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Pallarenda is a 2.5km stretch of beach located approximately 3km from the Townsville CBD. It is bounded by the far northern end of Cleveland Bay and Magnetic Island to the west. This report has investigated how the geographical processes and human actions have changed the environment of The Strand and Rowes Bay / Pallarenda over time. This report will also make recommendations on how Pallarenda should be managed into the future. Pallarenda is a significant landmark in the city of Townsville. The traditional owners of Pallarenda and the surrounding Town Common are the Bindal and Wulgurukuba people. The Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park has a day use area, easy walking tracks, mountain bike trails and great fishing. Historically, Pallarenda was a quarantine station and isolated incoming passengers to prevent the spread of disease through the small Townsville community. In World War II, it was a strategic military base and there are still gun emplacements, bunkers and searchlight towers scattered around the headland. It is a very popular place to view wildlife. In particular, there are bush turkeys, wallabies and sand…show more content…
This urban development will increase the population of Townsville, which will then support the Townsville region. The disadvantages of the overtime geographic process, will be rust on the hotels from the breeze off the ocean, high wind damage from cyclones and sand erosion. Advantages will be nice view, population. It’s also predicted tourist attractions at Pallarenda will attract people from all around the world. Tourist attraction will help Townsville economically tremendously. Pallarenda is maintained by the Townsville city Council and environmentalists and owned by Indigenous Aboriginals. The Townsville City Council and environmentalists care for the land and look after the environment. Pallarenda is viewed by tourists from all around the
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