Overpopulation In Education

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Chaewon Heo Mr. Burnside Humanities 9A 14 October 2015 Is the Earth Educated? : Wealth, Poverty and Education as to Overpopulation What impacts do wealth, poverty, and education give on overpopulation? Wealth, poverty, and education are closely linked together when the subject is overpopulation. Education, it is one of the major factors that cause overpopulation. Since most countries with low GDP per capita usually have low literacy rate, people who are living in those countries, especially in rural areas, have less access to education. This means that they barely have any knowledge of family planning - the practice of controlling the number of children in a family (Oxford Dictionaries)- which results in them having larger sized families.…show more content…
This is due to improvement in the global economy, which simultaneously improved the world’s education rate. According to the United Nations human development from the year 2013, people have been working to accelerate economy for the few past decades. Again, this brought improvements to world’s education, as to now people who are living with poverty have access to education often than before. Hans Rosling, a Swedish professor and statistician who is also a co-founder of Gapminder, mentions that the gap between the rich and the poor is extreme where one is saving money to buy bicycles but on the other hand, the other is saving to buy plane tickets. But as the quality of poverty is improving, more and more people gets access to technology. Taking an example from Peter Diamandis, 99 percent of Americans in poverty has access to electricity and clean water. 95 percent of them have access to television, 88 percent of them have mobile phones, and 70 percent of them owns cars – which wealthy nobles and royals could never have dreamt…show more content…
The world’s current average fertility rate is about 2.2, whereas it was 5 children per woman in 1950. By providing education, the world average fertility rate had improved so much than it was in 1950 where we had less than 3 billion people living in the world. Hans Rosling took Bangladesh as an illustration of the fertility rate, where births per woman were 7 with a lifespan less than 50 years in 1972. Eventually as education got provided to a wider range of people, especially women, their fertility rate is 2.2 at the present time and the life expectancy is almost 70. Still in the world, there are families with seven children and struggles from poverty, but it is getting

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