Orlando Universal Studio

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“What!! We go to Universal Studio in Orlando?” I ask. “Sure.” Dad answer. “Oh yeah!” we all yelled out, then the house is shaking with excitement. The day before we got Orlando I pack all my things up, include all my junk food. And I lay down on the bed, then I think what the Universal Studio look is like. The next day we at Orlando Universal Studio. My first thought is: whoa I should have another eight eyes to see things. There are lot of buildings and landscapes. And front of me, there is something grabs my attention, is a big and old stone tower. The tower curve like can almost fell to the ground. There are little stairs around the tower and didn’t have fences around. I ask one of my cousin: “is someone can walk up the stairs to the top of the tower?” he says: “I don’t know, maybe the workers can.” After we ride Islands of Adventure part roller coasters we try…show more content…
In front of Rocket we split into two groups, one group who don’t want to ride the Rocket go to the City Walk wait for the people who want to ride Rocket. I choose to ride the Rocket. But when I saw how high the Rocket is, I’m afraid. In a minute, I try to change my decision, but they just go to different direction, and inside the park people like fog that can block my vision. So I decide to walk alone to find other group. I walk straight through the road, then I saw some unfamiliar buildings: train stop, Hard Rock, and some gift stores. I keep walking, then I saw a City Walk sign. When I inside the City Walk I feel I am the ant ride the leaf in the ocean. Then I go into a gift store, walk to front of casher, I am so afraid I feel thousands of my sweats come out of my skin, but I still ask her: “Where is the parking lot?” she smile and then answer me: “Straight down the street and you’ll see a parking lot sign and then turn right. ” “Thank you” before she says you welcome, I was fast as lightning ran down the street. “Oh, finally there is the parking lot.” I

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