How Did Galileo Contribute To The Scientific Revolution

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The Scientific Revolution in early modern Europe began a dramatic shift in the way that scientists depicted the universe and Earth’s place within it. Findings in astronomy, physics, and mathematics contributed to this modification in worldview and led to struggles with long-held ramifications dealing with the beliefs of both scientific and religious views. Galileo Galilei was an essential figure was a key figure in the Scientific Revolution, as well as in the progressions of modern astronomy, because of his contributions directly to astronomy, as well as his work in physics and its correlation to astronomy. He provided the critical observation that verified the Copernican hypothesis, and also laid the foundations of how objects moved on of the earth and theories on gravity (Galileo: The Telescope & The Laws of Dynamics). Galileo is viewed as one of the greatest scientific minds of the Revolution; he started out as a mathematician but ended up as an astronomer. His development of the telescope, and his ensuing discoveries about the universe had extensive effects on the way people thought about both Earth and the heavens (Galileo: The Telescope & The Laws of Dynamics). Galileo attempted to prove that science played a big…show more content…
Galileo’s letter showed how it was traditionally standard to follow the belief of the Catholic Church. People were required to follow the Holy Scripture rather than believe in science and if one chose to do so then he or she would suffer at the hand of God. Science and religion were very much divided and if a person was to rely on science over religion publically, he or she would suffer the consequences much like Galileo. There was no middle area, either one believes in science or in religion, not

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