Oral Mucosa Case Study

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Abstract Oral mucosa may be affected by several types of lesions that can easily be undervalued during the usual clinical dental examination. Material and Method: This article aims to analyze the oral mucosal lesions in children over a period of 5 years. The patients were consulted in the service of Medicine and Pathology Oral Bucharest. Results: The group analyzed consisted of 146 patients aged under 18 years. The main lesions found were: tumors (22.6%), traumatic (20.54%), infectious lesions (19.86%), variants of normal mucosa (13.69%), chronic recurrent apthae (4.79%). Conclusions: In the study group the most common oral lesions were benign lesions. Pathological lesions in the oral cavity are very diverse with a specific character that requires…show more content…
Thus, few such studies are in literature, and no statistical data on the frequency of these injuries are published in Eastern Europe. Also, there is the preconceived idea according to which the young patient may present mucosal disorders that might affect the quality of life at a young age. This aspect is in conjunction with the fact that the examination of the oral cavity is often difficult and superficial, the child being fearful. This fear is due to certain previous unpleasant experiences or cultural impregnation where the child is often threatened, and the doctor or the policeman is depicted as negative authorities. All these determine the construction of an anxious behavioral pattern that makes the examination difficult. Thus, the doctor guides the efforts to treat the disease that generates pain and for which the parents presented to the practice omitting the mucosal examination. Therefore, multiple lesions may pass unnoticed if they do not cause malfunction or…show more content…
In literature, there are studies showing that the socioeconomic level, lifestyle, gender and race can influence these mucosal lesions [1]. The oral mucosal lesions in children change with age and with the growth and development of the body [2]. For these reasons, it is necessary for the doctor to understand the opportunity to meet such pathology and the frequency with which these lesions may occur in one’s own practice. It must be also known that the oral mucosa may represent the initial site of onset for the manifestation of certain severe general diseases and therefore the need of early diagnosis may be useful in improving the prognosis. The purpose of this research is to assess the frequency of oral mucosal lesions diagnosed in children. To fulfill this objective, we analyzed the data from the medical charts of the patients aged 0 to18 years examined in the clinical service of Medicine and Oral Pathology Discipline, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest in 2011-2016. The importance of the approached research topic derives both from the novelty of this topic for literature in our country, and from the fact that it brings new data regarding this current and complex subject, less treated and debated in the medical world in

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