Motivational Theory Of Motivation

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2.1 MOTIVATION The term motivation is derived from a Latin verb movere, which means ‘to move’. When a person does something, he makes choices, does the action and put in his effort in. What actually moves him to make certain choices, to do the action, to make effort and to continue the action, are some of the core questions for theorizing a motivational theory and to initiate its research. However, these simple questions have produced a rich theory and research on the topic, on which a considerable debate and disagreement among the scholars is seen. Perhaps, the common thing about motivation, on which “most researchers would agree on, is that it, by definition concerns the direction and magnitude of human behavior, that is: • The choice of…show more content…
And this purpose or the need behind our motivation can be of different natures: cognitive, emotional, social or biological. It is the motivation, which actually helps us maintaining goal-oriented behavior. There is always a specific motivational factor behind each human action; ‘why people think and behave as they do’ (Dörnyei, 2005) There is not any consensus among the scholars to define motivation because people belong to different backgrounds, and understand motivation in their own different ways. Generally, it is understood that motivation is a ‘desire and willingness to do something’. According to Geen (1995), motivation in psychology, refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior. In education, motivation is considered a kind of internal driving force which forces a person to do things, in order to achieve something (Harmer,…show more content…
83). This period manifested that L2 motivation is a process which, later on, incorporated the important role of ‘temporal organization’ from the works of William and Burden (1997) and Ushioda (1996). They asserted that a long time period may be needed for the execution of ‘sustained learning process’ to be successful in learning second/foreign language (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011, p. 60). William and Burden (1997) presented a three-phased continuum for the analysis of L2 motivational process, keeping in focus the temporal aspects of

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