Speech About Feminine Energy

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Being a biology student and an A+ grader, I always supposed that my knowledge was superb. Once I was asked the meaning of being a woman (I was still a student at that time). I replied: Being a girl means…hmmm…not being a man! My teacher starred at me at first smilingly and then said, “Think twice!” Honestly speaking, I shivered for a while at this. I was immature and had no idea what she meant. However, I begun to ponder over this question and realized that my answer was more stereotyped than real. It was concerned with bearing children, becoming a mother or being an opposite of males. I was wrong! My reply was surficial and archetypal until I knocked my very inner self and got the answer. The meaning I was looking for was hidden within me.…show more content…
And to understand its meaning it is crucial to understand the relationship between both the words. It is because these words seam together to do magic- the magic of creating strong, sexual and spirited woman! What is Feminine Energy (What is Your Energy)? Did you hear about Feminine Energy? What is it? Isn’t being a female enough? Isn’t energy is all related to men? Isn’t it women are meek, mild and weak only? No, thinking on these lines is somewhat rude. Women are neither weak nor sluggish. They are full of energy. The cascade of energy which we call “Feminine Energy”. Therefore, being a female only is just not acceptable. You are more than what you think you are! The concept of “Feminine Energy” could be easily understood, if we grab the concept of energy at first. We are all living energies in fact. As human beings are much more than mere chunks of flesh, organs and bones. We are the moving spouts of energy. We create, utter and execute energy. This energy is generated from various sections from our body and each one of us possess it. Masculine and Feminine energy forms are two varieties of living energies. Feminine energy is related with female individuals; whereas, masculine energy is associated with male individuals. Our whole body including glands, hormones, organs and more effects this energy.…show more content…
It is: delicate, gentle, serene, subtle, emotional, cooperative, nurturing, modest and intuitive. These properties distinguish it from masculine energy. The treasure of feminine energy resides in a female. It resides in goodness. It gives strength to her, empowers her and becomes a reason of peace in her. It is the energy that makes her a real female since it is not enough to be a ‘female’ alone. You have to be an empowered woman with a positive charged up cascade of
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