Importance Of Microscope

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Microscope: first used in the 1650s, microscope is descended from the Modern Latin microsopium, meaning "an instrument for viewing what is small." In science, microscopes are essential for examining things that can't be seen with the naked eye. There are many parts of a microscope but the main parts are: Eyepiece Lens, Arm, Base, Stage, Objective Lenses, Diaphragm or Iris. Microscope’s application and implication are evident in field of; • Cells and biology research of cells and their functions (light microscope) • Blood microscopy; study of viruses, microbes and bacteria ( dark fields microscope) • Immunochemistry- study of immune systems response to infected tissue ( Florescent microscope) • Histopathology- Study that focuses of anatomical…show more content…
It is because of this scientific application that histopathology’s are able to accurately diagnose cancer, the stage it is in and the part of the body under attack, as well as other diseases, like herpes, the measles, parvo or parasitic worms. • Provides scientists with a means of viewing bacteria that do not cultivate, such as, Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes Whipple disease. • Study tissue degradation present and, signs of infection, therefore, verify the progression of the particular disease • Study pathogens that cause tissue changes or damage, as it allows them to see the level of tissue degradation present and therefore, verify the progression of the particular disease. • Identify Biological tissues from a deceased person or animal that can be studied using histological techniques enabling experts to learn about the circumstances and possibly cause of death. • To determine which pathogen is responsible for tissue damage in the event of multiple infectious agents are present, thus enabling them to make a correct…show more content…
He found out by conducting an autopsy. The Autopsy results consisted of, aortic valve lesion and deposition of fat within intestinal mucosa and mesenteric lymph nodes with marked infiltration by foamy macrophages. Furthermore Whipple reported the presence of rod-like bacilli approximately 2ìm long in the lamina Propria of the intestine but he didn’t consider that to be the etiology of the disease. Using special stains he noticed the presence of fatty acids but he didn’t manage to detect any neutral fat and so he made the mistake of considering this disease to be caused by an abnormality of fat metabolism. Hence he named this disease intestinal lipodystrophy, today better known as the Whipple disease The most common symptoms of Whipple disease to people in early stages is: diarrhea, weight loss caused by mal-absorption, abnormal yellow and white patches on the lining of the small intestine, joint pain, with or without inflammation, that may appear off and on for years before other symptoms, fatty or bloody stools, fever, fatigue, or feeling tired, and the darkening of the skin. Further disease causes neurologic symptoms such as: vision problems, memory problems or personality changes, muscle weakness or twitching, hearing loss or ringing in the ears,

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