Dharmasthala And K. S. Na At Vesora Analysis

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Dharmasthala and K.S.Na at Mysore in 1991), Honorary Doctorates (Adiga from The World Academy of Art and Culture in 1979 and K.S.Na from Mysore University in 1991). A closer analysis of the thematic concerns of Adiga and K.S.Na shows them crisscrossing with their preoccupations on love, social concerns, vagaries of life, uncertainty of death, God and spiritual quests.K.S.Na’s very popular NinnaHesaru (Your Name) begins with how a name haunts the poet in blushing lotus petals, tolling bells of the temple, the eyes of a jumping calf, in everything in and around, finally binding the self with the soul. Adiga’sMy Lotus Red begins with the blooming beauty’s sensuous impact on the passers-by, wind, bees and water but the emergence of the golden rayedSun pales worldly attractions as the blushing Lotus turns towards the Supreme Power. If K.S.Na sanginLet poetry wish well for all,/ heblueskydoesn’tdiscriminate,/Everyoneisbornofthesameearth,/everyoneheadstowardsthesame, /joyorsorrow, /letwhateverbefall/ let poetry wish well for all.(Bride Comes Home:177 )Adiga’spoem Desire echoed- Let our thoughts come out and,/take wings after maturing in the shell of tradition;/May then a fresh new song come alive and,/gently touch every heart,/in its rendition.(GopalkrishnaAdiga, SamagraKaavya:04)And then there is a similar poem of K.S.Na titled Desire wherein the poet says-For the earth’s…show more content…
In his poem The Ganga will Never Go Dry he ridicules the beaten path of the river: 'Although fresh water flows in, there is still the inebriation of the past'. His last two anthologies Ba IttaItta (Come hither,hither)and SuvarnaPuttali(The Golden Doll) offer no cluesabout old age, health (towards his end Adigaendured the limitations of a paralytic) and loneliness as adamant ideologies are reassessed as the poet stood at the threshold of

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