One A Day Rhetorical Analysis

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“One A Day” vitamins used for health and nutrition is one of the country's best selling products. This vitamin pill has most likely been in most households across the country. So why is this product so popular? This item is well appreciated among most Americans because it has claimed to promote energy, prevent heart disease and other health problems. Nevertheless, how effective is receiving key nutrients from a pill compared to actual foods? Anyone that takes a daily vitamin supplement is constantly searching for news on health. Clearly, when healthy people, athletes, or people that workout discover this advertisement they are quickly taking this item of the shelves at stores. Throughout my life, I have seen people cheat themselves into thinking…show more content…
For instance, “One A Day” vitamins relates to Aristotle's theory of persuasion because businesses use advertisements and other means to influence their customers. Moreover, selling this product is the number one concern for a business and it makes people doubt themselves into thinking that they do not get enough nutrients and vitamins in there body. Persuasion is the reason that many people in this country try to seek new objects and activities. Companies want people to believe that anyone can live a healthy lifestyle if you try our supplement. People in this world want to believe that a pill can save their health, which is why they consume so many unnecessary products. For example, companies and commercials say cannot sleep take this pill; need energy take this pill; have a headache or you are sick take this pill. So people feel obligated of getting all these sorts of medicine. Distinctly, the “One A Day” vitamin bottle is just another advertisement that wants people to take their supplement by supporting insufficient
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