Omnivore's Dilemma Analysis

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Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma is an eye opening book about how the average American meal is brought to our table. This book provokes thought, and personally made me eat more vegetables, other than corn. I now have a better idea of how I should eat and not just whatever is most convenient. Many thoughts have been swirling around my head since finishing the book, so in this reflection, I will put them down onto paper. As mentioned in the first chapter, corn is the root of American food culture, and can even be argued as the root of all American culture. Corn can be found in everything from perfume to gum. We rely on corn multiple times throughout the day, from the moment we wake up in the morning and brush our teeth (toothpaste is made…show more content…
Instead of buying a pack of Oreos, I have swapped out for a bag of McIntosh apples. However, this purchase went from $2.98 to $5.46, almost doubling. This leads into one of the main reasons I don’t eat as well as I want to; It’s expensive! I live on a college student’s budget, which is about $20 a week. This includes purchasing personal items like toothpaste or make up. It has become a fight for me to make everything last until the next time my parents take me grocery shopping. Even then, we have a low budget, but they are willing to pay a bit extra for ketchup without high fructose corn syrup (an example of my fight against corn). This is the time of our life that we are expected to work unpaid internships, a college student’s nightmare. Not only do you put in over 15 hours a week working for people who think little of you, but you get nothing back except for ‘experience’. Experience will not buy me a bag of apples, it can’t even buy me Oreos. Learning about what chemicals and pesticides have been put into my Oreos makes me want to change my eating habits, but my low income keeps me from changing long
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