Food Rules By Michael Pollan Summary

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Michael Pollan is the author of “Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual”. Throughout his career, Pollan has been investigating about the hazards that industrial foods pose to us, and how we can avoid them and replace them with a healthy diet. He believes that “The way we eats represents our most profound engagement with the natural world.” (“Michael Pollan”, In the book, Pollan tries to distinguish between healthy and harmful foods. On page ix of the introduction, he says, “Eating in our time has gotten complicated.” What he means is that foods today contain various types of ingredients, and you’re just not sure if they are healthy for you or not. Some foods are made of exotic ingredients…show more content…
This audience is a large group of people in risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses. Lots of people in this group are already in a terrible condition. In page 53, Pollan says that an average American consumes meat 2 or 3 times a day, and “there is evidence that the more meat there is in your diet, the greater your risk of heart diseases and cancer. Why? It could be its saturated fat, or its specific type of protein, or the simple fact that all that meat is pushing plants off the plate.” Pollan uses regular everyday English for the audience, and he doesn’t use any unusual words or phrases. As said on page ix in the introduction of the book, Pollan is well aware that “everybody now has at least a passing acquaintance with words like ‘antioxidant’, ‘saturated fat,’ ‘omega-3 fatty acids’, ‘carbohydrates’, ‘polyphenols’, ‘folic acid’, ‘gluten’, and…show more content…
The idea that he tries to convey to us is that the industries today have provided us with a large diversity of foods that, as a result, we rely on them. Why bother to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner by yourself, while you can simply order from the restaurant near you? That’s what Pollan is trying to tell us; the industries supply harmful “edible food-like substances” in exchange for our money. On page 85, he states, “There is nothing wrong with eating sweets, fried foods, pastries, even drinking soda every now and then, but food manufacturers have made eating these formerly expensive and hard-to-make treats so cheap and easy that we’re eating them every day.” Pollan is absolutely right when he says that we would eat French fries less often if we made them ourselves, because they are difficult to make. Pollan sounds like he is not happy with our new eating system. He makes another great point when on page xiii of the introduction, he says, “What an extraordinary achievement for a civilization: to have developed the one diet that reliably makes its people sick.” Some sense of hope can be detected when Pollan explains how abandoning the Western diet can cause improvements in our health. On pages xiii- xiv of the introduction, he says someone that deserts the Western diet “could reduce its chances of getting

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