Summary Of Michael Pollan The Omnivore's Dilemma

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Cheap food, No time! The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan introduces 3 main topics; Industrial Corn, Pastoral Grass, Personal The Forest. In these topics Pollan portrays in depth descriptions of each section. Within these sections, he goes on to prove to the reader this book has more to it than they know. Section one Pollan goes on to talk about corn, its origin, and the world of processing. In this he talks about how food we eat somehow comes from corn. Pollan uses a play on words, he uses contradicting statements, and blunt indirect comments towards people. Pollan tries to refer to the Americans who are continually gaining weight without directly calling them out specifically. On page 102 Pollan is critisizing Americans when saying: You hear plenty of explanations for humanity’s expanding waistline, all of them plausible. Changes in lifestyle (were more sedentary; we eat out more). Affluence (more people can afford a high-fat Western diet). Poverty (healthier whole foods…show more content…
Michael Pollan is using the fact that after a fast food meal we are not satisfied but regret consuming all the food eaten and therefire are full. On page 119 “and so it goes, bite after bite, until you feel not satisfied exactly, but simply, regrettably, full.” Once Pollan says this it clicks that Americans are not satisfied with what’s fast and easy but what know they are eating and don’t feel healthy after eating that meal. Section Two Pollan brings to light organic foods and the difference between mass produced and local farms. He exaggerates, he describes grass as it is capable of becoming something else. Page 126 “End of season Grasses transformed into 25,000 pounds beef, 50,000 pounds pork, 12,000 broilers, 800 turkeys, 500 rabbits, and 30,000 dozen eggs.” All this is within 100 acres of pasture and it comes to show that grass truelt feeds many and all that feeds

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